Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Piazza del Popolo

 View of Piazza del Popolo from Villa Borghese.  Picture taken last summer.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Day

We spent Christmas morning with the Sisters and Elders in the Rome 2 and 6 districts.  We had a great breakfast at Sister Sutton's apartment.  Then in the afternoon we were with our District and some ward members in Rome 3 where we had more great food.  In the evening we skyped with our kids and grandkids.  It was a very enjoyable day.  Especially grateful for the reason we celebrate Christmas.  Christ.  He is my Savior, I know He lives.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Eve

 For Christmas Eve we took the subway down to the Spanish Steps to look at the Nativity Scene on the steps.  We then sat on the steps for a while.  There were not as many people as usual, but still a lot of people out and about.
 After we sat on the steps we then walked along the streets and looked at the lights.

 The smell of the chess nuts added to the atmosphere.  I don't really like them, but they do smell good and brings back memories.

 We did a little window shopping.
 Window shopping was all we could afford.  This purse would be about $3,950 at current exchange rates.  The dress was expensive, but not as much as the purse.

 We walked to Piazza Navona and looked at the nativity scene there.
Piazza Navona Carousel is only there at Christmas time.

 Watched a spray paint artist.

 On the way back to the bus we walked through Piazza Campo dei Fiori which is usually full of vendors during the mornings, so it was interesting to see it empty at night.  We had a great bus ride home.  Only four people on the bus and few cars on the street so the bus made good time getting us home.  It was a very enjoyable evening.  There is something special to me about Rome at night.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas eve breakfast with the missionaries

 The office missionaries organized a Christmas Eve morning breakfast and program for the missionaries in Rome.  It was a wonderful morning.
 We had a delicious breakfast casserole.

 Brother Calabrese sang Come all ye Faithful.  He is the Rome East Stake Patriarch and office volunteer for over 16 years.  He does so much for the mission and is a spiritual giant.

 Rome 1 District singing Feliz Navidad
 Anziano B. sang Silver Bells.
 Anziano K. got a new haircut for Christmas.
 Sorella V.
 Anziani E and Z acted out the 12 days of Christmas while we all sang the words.

Anziano H. played a beautiful selection of hymns and Christmas music that he arranged