Monday, October 27, 2014

There are some interesting door knockers and door art in the older parts of the city.  I have several different pictures that I will post sometime in the future.  This is the most recent one that I saw in between Piazza di Spagna and Via del Corso.  When you walk around the city you can see many interesting little details. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

St. Peter's

Often as we are driving over to our Institute assignment we see some beautiful sunsets with some amazing clouds.  I comment that I would love to get a beautiful sunset with St. Peter's in the background.  Yesterday we had an evening off so we decided to go to the Vatican.  However, there was not a cloud in the sky and no beautiful sunset.  I will have to try again sometime.  So I took pictures of what was before me.  It was still a very nice fall evening.  I love the feeling of Rome at night

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ruins between Piazza Venezia and Campidoglio.  Most people walk past without looking on way to something else.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sister Perkins will be going home in less than a week.  She has been a part of our District since we arrived in Rome.  We will miss her very much, but look forward to seeing what's going on in her life via facebook, letters and in person when we return home.  We are so thankful we got to know her and will be eternal friends.  It is tough to see our missionaries leave, but we also enjoy getting to know the new missionaries coming into the District.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Colosseum from Palatine Hill

I am going to try doing the blog differently.  It has been difficult to find the time to gather pictures and write about one topic or outing.  So I am going to try to post one picture each day.  Maybe I will write something, maybe I won't.  The picture won't always be taken that day, but they will be from our mission.
A former missionary companion of mine, Rex Conner and his wife Lisa were here visiting Rome, so we took the opportunity to see some sites with them.  The last stop of the day was the Colosseum.  I took this picture as you start up the Palatine Hill.