Monday, February 16, 2015

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Hill top towns

Yesterday we drove to Pescara to inspect the missionary apartments.  On the way home we stopped to visit one of the hill top towns that are all over Italy.  This was a city about 45 minutes from Rome.

Monday, February 9, 2015


As we were riding with the Memmott's the other day there was beautiful sunset and clouds.  The picture isn't as good as it could be, because I took it through the car window.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Tiber River, Tibertina Island

I'm actually posting a picture that I took today, not one from a few months ago.  Saturday is the day we usually do not have anything we have to do, so we try to get out and see some of Rome.  This afternoon we went down by the Tiber River, Transtavere area.  We have been having several days of rain and the river is running high. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Lunch with Ugo

 Ugo Perego is the Bishop of Rome 3 and the Director of the Institute of Religion in Rome so we see and work with him regularly.  He has taken us to lunch a couple of times.

 This type of restaurant is called a fraschetta. 
 Ugo lives in the town of Arricia which is South of Rome and is famous for their roast pork.

 I have never loved olives, but these olives are much better than the canned olives.  They are pretty good.
 Mozzarella di buffalo is the best type of mozzarella cheese.  It is really good.  Made from water buffalo milk.
The pork is roasted with some very good spices.  We have the porchetta often and love it.  It didn't take picture of all the food.  We also had a pasta dish, bread, polenta with sauce, ravioli stuff with pork, salami.  A very good meal.