Monday, June 29, 2015


The last couple of months we went through a season of wild poppies that pop up all over, especially in the cracks of sidewalks and along side the road.  We saw some beautiful fields of them along the highway and other places where I could not stop to take a picture.  But this picture is typical of them around the city.  These grew between the sidewalk and the rock wall.  Not the best picture of them, but a great reminder to me of how beautiful they are.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Water fountains

These are all over the Rome area.  The people were promised free water, so these fountains are all over with water constantly running.  I love taking pictures of them.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


One thing I don't like about driving here are all the motorcycles.  When ever we see an accident it usually involves a motorcycle.  You really have to watch all around you.  At traffic lights they work their way to the front, so they are able to get through traffic easier.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Young Single Adult Conference

 I have been busy and have not taken the time to post a picture for a couple of weeks.  So here are a bunch from the Young Single Adult Conference we attended last week in Pescara.  We had a great time.  They had many activities including indexing.  (I will post more pictures from the conference later.)
 A service project picking up litter on the beach.

 They did a photo scavenger hunt.  A good natured "Signorina" willing to be proposed to by a group of young men.  She said yes!

 Some street workers willing to loan their vest and pose with this young sister from our group.
This was the animal on the beach they had to find.