Sunday, November 16, 2014


 I do take pictures of the people we meet and we don't go that often to see the sites.  These are pictures from last week's activities.  Sunday we had a good turn out for the translated CES fireside.  Monday we did Family Home Evening in the Rome 2,6 building.  On Tuesday we went to Terni for a fireside. I forgot my camera so don't have a picture of that group.  We had about 18 in attendance.  On Wednesday we had an institute class,  On Thursday we had Pathway classes,  I didn't take pictures that night as I was too busy teaching the English preparation class and then a Book of Mormon Institute class after Pathway.  On Friday we had another Institute class.  So we are busy almost everyday of the week.  Either preparing lessons, food, or being at the evening class.  When we get some free time, then we like to go and see things.  We have met some wonderful people here and that is the best part of the mission.  Lots of new friends.  I will try to post more people pictures.
 the group above is part of the Friday night Institute class.
 Last Monday's FHE group.  Some new people there for the first time.
CES fireside.  We have it one week later than in America so it can be translated into Italian.

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