Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving in Italy

 Thanksgiving is not a holiday in Italy like in America.  We did have some Thanksgiving dinners, however.  Last Sunday we had a dinner with some of the Senior Missionaries and Temple construction supervisors.  We had the dinner at the mission home and it was wonderful. 
 On Tuesday Ann made a pumpkin dessert for our District.
 Last night we had a outstanding dinner with a great Italian family.  We went to their home North of Rome and had a combination of traditional Thanksgiving food along with some great Italian food.  We were joined by some of the other senior missionaries.  There is a great feeling in their home.  It was a great Thanksgiving.  We had turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, green beans, ravioli filled with pumpkin and nuts, orange slices with oil and salt, olives, peppers and eggplant covered with olive oil, bread, and some great desserts, pumpkin pie, lemon pie, a cake with peach filling, and an éclair type of cake covered with chocolate sauce. 
 This is most of the group.  The grandparents and oldest daughter were not there yet.
 Italian pumpkins
The grandparents.  Also great people.  He was the branch president when I was here on my first mission.  Today on actual Thanksgiving we will be going to Pathway for our missionary assignment.

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