Sunday, August 17, 2014

Return to Rome

  The tradition is that if you throw a coin into Trevi fountain you will return to Rome.  For us it seems to be true.  When I first came to Rome as a 19 year old missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I followed the tradition and tossed a coin over my shoulder into Trevi fountain.   About 10 years later I was able to return to Rome with my wife, Ann.
   During that visit to Rome we both threw coins into the  fountain, and even though it has taken 26 years to get back; we have returned to the Eternal City, Rome.
   We have been called as missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to serve in Rome with the Young Single Adults of our Church.  These are young adults ages 18 to 31.
   We are excited to be here.  I fell in love with Rome during my first mission to Italy.  I spent 17 consecutive months in Rome, so got to know it well.
   I love the words of the poet Robert Browning, "Open my heart and you will see,  engraven inside of it Italy."
We will be here for 18 months.  One thing we will be sure to do while here is to throw another coin into Trevi fountain.

(the fountain is currently being renovated and is fenced off, we will be sure to get there soon after the repairs are completed and add better pictures of the fountain)

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