Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Walk in the Rain

   There have been some beautiful cloud formations here in Rome.  This was just before a big cloud burst occurred one afternoon.

   We had some time one morning so started out to go through Trastavere, the Jewish Ghetto and Janiculum  Hill.  We didn't get too far before it started to rain. We only had one umbrella with us, so ducked into a store which sold gelato, so we had to buy some, so sad.  We then went through a church.  It kept raining so we started to head back home.  We were on a narrow street when it started to rain hard so waited awhile under a door way.  Since I couldn't take pictures of what I went after, I decided to take pictures of what was before me.  I got a couple that I like.   Just goes to show you don't have to let a little rain, (or a lot) ruin your day.  Enjoy the walk in the rain.

Only a couple of cars came by while we where sitting there.  All slowed down so they did not splash us.  One, however, did not slow down and hit the puddle just right and soaked Ann. 

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